
The Warmth of Hearts Charitable Foundation (MTÜ Südamete Soojus) was created in 2014 to help those in need and brings together those who want to help and those who need help.  

All projects of the Foundation are aimed at helping their wards. Our charitable activities are mainly devoted to arranging educational events and trips for children from the Lootus Orphanage (Sillamäe, Estonia).


  • Mittetulundusühing Heategevusfond Südamete Soojus
  • LVH EE097700771005794006

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • sydamete_soojus

Warmth of Hearts NPO has been awarded the honorary badge "Vabatahtliku sõbra märk" and included in the TMIN list.


© 2023 The Warmth of Hearts Charitable Foundation / HEATEGEVUSFOND SÜDAMETE SOOJUS MTÜ.

It may not be downloaded, copied, duplicated, altered or redistributed in any manner, on any website, or in any medium, or in any manner whatsoever,
without prior written permission of The Warmth of Hearts Charitable Foundation / HEATEGEVUSFOND SÜDAMETE SOOJUS MTÜ

Design and support: Andrew Design OÜ.